Monday, April 7, 2014

Shelu's 1v1 Tournament #1 Winners

Congratulations to the 2 finalists of our first tournament:JM3 and RatuscaUcigasa.
Their best of three turned out to be a quick 2-0 for JM3, even though the second game featured RatuscaUcigasa having an incredible game with Storm Spirit; despite this, he went in too agressive, diving the towers and eventually JM3 won, with only 20 HP left. First game was a close game with Batrider, and the winner had a bit too many napalm sticks on the opponent. Congratulations guys!

Shelu's 1v1 Tournament #1 Standings

2nd place: RatuscaUcigasa:
3rd-4th place: alinush-_- / RomanF

Cheers and see you next week!

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